2018: Three Big Scary Things
As the year draws a close ("Auld Lang Syne" is playing on my TV as I write this), I find myself reflecting on the big moments. Three stand out to me, not just because they were big but because they also forced me to face my fears. 1. Cuba. I spent two weeks in Cuba as part of a summer program for teachers through the Stone Institute at Tulane University. The travel wasn't the scary part--it was being with a group of people I had never met. However, I was blessed with a roommate that got me and developed other friendships. By not letting my nervousness about meeting lots of new people get in my way, I got to experience Cuban culture from a different perspective than most tourists. I listened to lectures from a former diplomat, current teachers, women involved in the literacy program from the beginning of the Revolution, and a rap duo. I toured old Havana, a top art museum, a farm run by Hershey's company, Che's burial site, and the UNESCO city of...